QR Code Generator | Murat Güney Github link

QRCode Image


  • It works with simple GET request.
  • You can pass the the url in your svg tags directly.


  • The base url is https://qr.appysode.com/api/svg.


  • The parameter is for the data that is used for the qr code.


  • The parameter is for the width that is used for the qr code.


  • If the download parameter is set as true then the qr code starts to download.

File Name

  • If the download is set as true then the file will be named with the fileName parameter.


  • margin value from the edges

Output Type

  • If outputType is set as string then the response will be base64 string.
  • Supports string | buffer
  • Default: buffer

Dark Color

  • darkColor changes the the default black color of the generated qr code.
  • Supports HEX Code
  • Default: #000000

Light Color

  • lightColor changes the the default white color of the generated qr code.
  • Supports HEX Code
  • Default: #ffffff


  • https://qr.appysode.com/api/svg?data=https://qr.appysode.com