Feedbacky Panel
- Feedbacky Panel is an app that you can track your feedbacks.
- It stores the feedbacks that got by your feedback-button.
Getting Started
Sign Up
- You need to sign up to Feedbacky
- You can sign up via Google or Facebook. Or you can create a new account.
Create First Application
- Click on the New button.
- Fill the form
- All the fields are required!
- Application Name is for the list. It isn't shown up at anywhere!
- Application URL is for the list.
- If you enable Public you won't need the secret. You can use${APP_ID}
- Then click on the Save button.
Copy the Secret
- Click the application in the list.
- You can see Secret field in the following page.
- It is hidden until you click on it.
- You need to click to the ****** field to show it.
- You can copy it by clicking on the secret
- Now you need to follow the steps at here